"Don't assume the truth you haven't spoken", when this becomes the mindset of journalists. Then our country can witness the purest form of journalism and that day people will stop criticizing the press. Over the years, India has grown to be one of the countries that enjoy the status of being a media hub in the world. However, the level of class journalism has curved down. Entertaining people with controversies, celebrity lifestyle, etc. are dominating the pages of newspapers and the slots on TV channels, radio has got a lower audience attraction. Media knowingly or unknowingly kills our time by showing us issues that do not need that kind of attention.
The task of the media or press is to show news without any biases. Still, each and every kind of media is seen showing an inclination for a particular political party, for one specific person, or for a specific situation. Today's press has deviated from its ethics of showcasing neutral views; of course, a journalist can have his/her own opinion on a particular topic. Still, they can't show it to the public because the public must know both the sides of the story and not just a single hand. Biased content of journalists is making people judgemental.
Journalism in India started with Hickey's Bengal Gazette, and it was decades ago. During the British rule, the journalists had to work according to the British government's rules and even after becoming the part of free and independent nation Indian journalism had to go through lots of ups and downs.
It was during the era of British rule in India that the Indian newspapers played a powerful and prominent role in questioning the authorities for their acts and decisions. Through journalism, people witnessed the power of liberty, equality, fraternity, and freedom. The newspapers questioned the old ideas and practice of casteism, communalism, superstitions, educational backwardness and women's oppression. During the time of independence, the press inspired people of the country towards a change in their thinking. From the period of British India to present India, print, radio, television, and mobile journalism has passed through many phases.
There has been a lot of transformation of the press and its working. There was a time when these transformations were remarkable. Nowadays it has reduced to paid news. Delivering the quality journalism, have you ever come across a story that says "PM Modi meets and greets mother before casting his nominations", or some of the other kind like "The Taimur thing", as an audience do we even think if it's required or not?
Eventually, the media shows what the audience watches the most, and they are always interested in the life of other people. Hence, we look more into who meets whom, who dates whom, who eats what and with whom, who dies, who lives, and a lot more rather than watching the news that matters. Now when we ask people about Sanjay Dutt's mother, then everyone will answer with an addition of her personal life. Still, you when you ask regarding India's economic growth rate then you will witness silence, forget about the additional information. It is the current scenario for a majority of the population. So, the changing pattern of journalism in today's India is neither constructive nor remarkable.
The industry which was once considered to be the most knowledgeable has now become a profit-making market. Today, the purpose of the press has shifted from fighting to impart knowledge to earning money. People considering themselves as Media Moguls are not here to serve people with news, they are here to making commendable profits because they are businessman and businessman thinks of only benefits.
There are multiple situations when the questions on media ethics are raised, and who else can know the types of issues better than the Press Council of India. Today, press and its professionals are eager in telling the news that is hyped and aggressive because they know that this can earn colossal TRP. For every nonsense and unnecessary news, a piece of excellent and vital news is being ignored by the media.
From FM and Community Radio to Online Media, journalists have found new ways to link with a challenging audience, including the youth of the country. It is the era when every type of news is available to the masses on their smartphones; in fact, they even get e-newspapers on their smartphones, which has made news reading convenient for people. There has been a remarkable transformation in the press when it comes to sports journalism and business/financial journalism.
There are rarely any discussions on foreign policies, wars, women safety, and many more unless elections are around the corner. Delhi government never focused on women's safety. As the state elections are approaching, they have announced exemption of metro and bus fairs for women. Media is giving so much attention to this. On one side, the press talks about gender equality and on the other hand, they show the benefits of this scheme for women.
Gone are the days when journalists used to use pencils, notebook, etc. for reporting, now it is the era of technology and media people are using digital equipment for gathering of news, recording, transmission and compilation, which is a praiseworthy practice. But there are questions about the use of hidden cameras and pen recorders during reporting of events and meetings with politicians in order interviewee or display the affair to enhance economic gains. The innovation in technology is ensuring the survival and development of the Indian print media. Contemporary day newspaper readers are not convinced with the old-style way news presentation and vice-versa.
Readers have the option to choose from several newspapers, media portals, news channels, and due to the growth of the internet, it has become difficult for publications to stand out. In today's era, everyone is in a hurry, and everyone wants all the updates of news items. For that, they don't have all the time, so new media like in-shorts have given a great advantage to such type of audience. They don't get the chance to give biased opinions because they have the motto of presenting news in just 60 words and 60 words, only the 5w and 1h can be compiled, and there is no space for personal opinion.
In the present scenario, the press has got the great potential to change lives through the dissemination of good news, but they are underestimating their potential. Nowadays, media reach has extended a lot, and it can pass on any information to any public, even in remote areas of the globe. Not only the growth of the national press, but the growth of the regional media is commendable, especially in the southern states of India. Over two-thirds of the local press readers belong to small towns and rural areas.
While technology has increased the reach and economic prosperity of the Indian press, there has been negligence in the standard or quality of news. Investigative journalism has added a new room for the media, which acts as a watchdog of the society. It has made the press powerful, and at the same time, it is being misused by the journalists, editors, etc. to settle their grievances.
The list of paid news is increasing day by day and especially during the time of elections. Extortion and blackmailing for the sake of money have also increased a lot. Although the fact cannot be ignored that there are a lot of excellent outputs in investigative journalism like Bofors scandal, Nira Wadia tapes, cement scam expose, Defence deals expose, human trafficking exposes, etc.
It is the time when one needs to evaluate the ethical aspects of our current media performance and professionals. The press in India has always been at the lead of the nation's progress. Media institutions should act responsibly in teaching ethical journalism to its students and by doing that a whole new generation of responsible journalists could be produced. No doubt, some newspapers, news channels are not diverting from their motto of unbiased journalism, but the situation here is like school when one student disturbs the class, then the whole level gets the punishment. They should always act in such a way that maintains peace in society and the country.
Editors and owners of the media industry must pay attention to self-regulation, and that will ensure accountability. The press should try not to depend too much on advertising, and by that, they will be able to focus on imparting news to the people, there are many other ways of income, advertising is just one of them. Owners and Managers of Media Houses must recognize that news is not a product, but it is a service you give to the masses. The unethical practice of 'Paid News' must end absolutely.
It is more than the perfect time to leave 'Yellow Press' behind and focus on disseminating honest, truthful, and unbiased news. It is time to come out of Bollywood and to start having sensible debates and discussions. It is the time for journalists to decide whether to earn just the money or to earn the respect of their audience by showing a sense of responsibility towards the upliftment of the nation by giving real information. Editor and owners of the media firms must choose quality over quantity. The press and its professionals must understand that the TRP (Television Rating Points) is not achieved at the cost of trustworthiness.
There is an urgent need of making people aware of The Press Council Act, which protects journalism, Journalists, Editors, owners as well as the public affected by the press. Of course, profit should be a motive, but that motive should be fulfilled through fair means, and profit motive should not compromise the ethical practice of media professionals. The recent example of Anjana Om Kashyap's reporting from Muzaffarpur hospital is the real example of meaningless, heartless, TRP (Television Rating Points) focused journalism. The true meaning of Journalism is imparting knowledge in people but at the same time doing something worthy, which equally benefits the unprivileged groups of the society and which can bring a change in the lives of people.